
Although teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants and cutting-edge procedures in cosmetic dentistry is the special interest of dentists Hassan and Hussein Dalghous, the 26-year-old twin dentists are pioneering the importance of eco dentistry.

Now the CO-founders of the Yorkshire Dental Suite in Leeds, the highest ranked dental surgery in the UK on Google, are actively encouraging their patients to adopt good practice that is kind to the environment whilst making big changes themselves.

Research conducted by YouGov showed that in the past 10 years, environmental awareness has more than doubled among young Britons with 48% of 18–24-year-olds believing that environmental issues are one of the nation’s most pressing concerns.

Hussein Dalghous explains: “Simple things like not leaving the water running whilst brushing your teeth and using eco alternatives and re-usable floss between uses can make a difference.

“I give evidence-based advice to patients and that means I advise Oral B oscillating rotating toothbrushes. There are also recycle boxes for old electric toothbrush heads found in lots of locations around the country, so they can be put in those once used.

“There are eco alternatives to plastic floss; I’m trying some out for a company now and I am impressed. I am reviewing a silicone product called Simplyfloss which can be used multiple times so there’s less waste.

Smilewhite.co.uk http://smilewhite.co.uk/ is introducing a brand-new mouthwash tablet to the market that is completely dissolvable in the mouth. Current mouthwash tablets need to be diluted in water; however, the Smile White mouthwash tabs can be inserted directly into the mouth before chewing for 5 seconds. It’s very simple and cuts down on environmental damage as there is no water used in the process!”

Hassan Dalghous continues: “And it’s not just down to the public, eco dentistry is all about dentists doing the least possible damage to the environment while ensuring infection control and quality of care as well as educating our patients.”

One of the main concerns in the dental industry is the carbon footprint. In England alone, travel makes up over 60% of the dental carbon footprint. It is reported that some people have to travel up to 40 miles to visit their dentist.

Hassan adds: “The four R’s campaign to encourage awareness makes great sense: reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink should apply to all of us.

“As dentists we can Reduce by going paperless and switching to digital records, changing and monitoring water and electricity management.

We can Reuse by investing in reusable products such as stainless-steel trays, so they are not thrown away after use.

Recycle is as simple as recycling every day with materials such as paper and aluminium. Taking control of waste management and investing in autoclavable machinery can also help to minimise products whilst keeping eco-friendly.

“And finally, we ALL need to Rethink and switch to biodegradable single-use products.”