
77% of Internet shoppers choose AMP InPost

According to the Polish Gemius e-commerce report 2021, AMP InPost, the leading shopping delivery service in Poland, is the most popular option for 77% of all online shoppers. The report also found that courier delivery to home or work is chosen by only half of all online shoppers. Furthermore, delivery by AMP InPost has become the most popular form of online shopping, as confirmed by a record 81% of respondents. In courier deliveries, InPost came first fending off competition from international companies, such as DPD and DHL.

The role of AMP InPost is also growing significantly in the context of the return of purchased goods, which encourages online shopping. AMP was mentioned in this category by 64% of the respondents. The possibility of returning the product back free of charge by courier (door-to-door) is next in order and was indicated by 44% of respondents.

 “For the first time in history, InPost courier deliveries are the most popular option for online shopping delivery with 37% of votes. We are pleased to have been picked ahead of some of the world’s giants in the courier delivery market, namely DPD, DHL, UPS, and FedEx. In the D2D segment, the three strongest players cover most of the market. As such, as many as 88% of people buying products online choose InPost, DPD, or DHL. Fourth in the ranking was Pocztex which garnered only 4% of votes. These results, and the strengthening of AMP’s position as a market leader, are a source of pride, but also an incentive for further work and raising the bar,” says Rafał Brzoska, the President of InPost.

Aside from these excellent results, the report shows that a new generation is accessing the market of online trade and, with it, a new type of consumer. It is a consumer who uses technology, is mobile, independent, does not hesitate to use foreign delivery services, and pays special attention to environmental issues. 50% of these new consumers are in the 15-24 age group and shop equally on foreign and Polish websites. In this age group, as many as 73% of respondents are inclined to choose an environmentally friendly delivery method, e.g., eliminating a carbon footprint, a feature we offer with our electric vehicle deliveries,” further comments Rafał Brzoska.

Comparing the results, the 15-24-year-old age group much more often indicated AMP InPost as their motivation for shopping (88%), while the average of those of all age groups who would state that AMP InPost was a reason for shopping was 81%. 15-24-year-old’s are also among other age groups who are the most frequent customers of AMP: 87% with an average of 77%. This group also cites instant delivery (Same Day Delivery) as a motivator to buy (89%), with an average of 83%.

“This is the consumer of tomorrow. It is worth reading the Gemius report because it tells us what is most important in business, what this market segment will look like, not in six months or a year, but five to ten years. We should listen to this voice because the logistics business and online trade is rapidly evolving and we expect it to look quite different in a few years,” adds Rafał Brzoska, President of InPost.

AMP InPost is the most ecological form of online shopping. The analyses of InPost show that ordering a parcel by AMP reduces CO2 emissions by up to 75% compared to direct delivery. In 2020 alone, deliveries to AMP InPost reduced CO2 emissions by over 180,000 tonnes. Further development and optimization of the AMP InPost network will reduce car traffic in cities, which will translate into improved air quality and climate protection.